Monday, July 28, 2008

Newspaper weeds away

Start putting in your plants wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic they will not get through wet newspapers. - I have not tried this, but it sounds way cool! I hate weeds and I still have not found a weed killer that works.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Duct tape will fix anything!

OK, so this might be yucky, but I know it works from experience:
If you ever get a wart put duct tape on it till its gone. When I danced I would get plantar warts on the bottom of my feet (lots of dancers do) and so if I put the tape on it for a few weeks it went away........crazy, huh?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No More Orange-Stained Containers

So, when you put the leftover spaghetti in a container, spray it first with any kind of non-stick spray and it will keep your containers clean! It really is worth it!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Quote For The Day

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily
Zig Ziglar

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A tip from Uncle Doug

My uncle Doug would say this: "There is never a second chance for a first impression"- I really like this, it applies to all areas of life.

Monday, July 14, 2008

oh crap

Write a list of things that you would grab if you had to leave your home and were only given a few minutes, and then tape it inside a cupboard or back of a door. I call it the "oh crap" list, and here are some thing that would be on mine:
scrapbooks/photo albums
72 hour kits
my dogs food
canned goods with opener
eye glasses( i always have contacts in, but at some point they come out and I am blind without glasses)
You get the idea, this is so important to do because in a moment of crisis you wont be able to think clear, it would be so nice to just grab a list and hurry on your way.

Like it, Learn it, cause you may have to use it

I am still tryin' the rotate your food storage stuff, however Im doin it.
If you are like me you have those big cans of dry food products, well open them up and learn to use 'em, experiment, cause what if the day comes that you need them, and you've never used 'em. Nicole (my fellow chick in the kitchen) and I had my dried soup mix that my hubby brought to life for lunch today. It was good, he put tomato soup in with it and water, so go ahead......try yours out!

The nose knows

So the other night my husbands 12 year old little brother came over. He was so sweet and said "your house always smells good". Now this kid is into xbox and snakes and 12 year old boy stuff, and when he said that it made me think "wow if a kid notices that then other people do too". Which brings me to this a candle and light it. My personal fav candles are Gold Canyon.

Every little bit counts

So I know a lot of us are tryin to put together a food storage. It can be hard financially and overwhelming of how to start, but Shannon had a great idea. Each time you go to the grocery store buy 2-3 extra cans of something, I say if you can spend an extra 5 bucks a time. Which ever way you choose it will add up.

Make a list and check it twice

Before you go grocery shopping make a menu of what you will eat for dinner for the next 5 nights (keep in mind you will be having left overs at some point). Then make a list of ALL ingredients needed for each recipe. Check through your kitchen of what you already have. Then add the items you still need on your shopping list. This way you dont end up having several bottles of soy sauce etc. Doing this WILL save you money. I didnt believe it, but I tried it and it really does work, we saved alot. You just must stick to the list and not buy what you dont need at that moment.

Didnt your mama ever tell you to make your bed?

So I just have to say I am a nut when it comes to cleaning, people who know me refer to the highest level of cleanliness as "charonne clean", so I do have alot of cleaning do's and dont's. Something that will make a world of difference, it will be the best 3 minutes of the day you spend, is making your bed!!! The room can be all sorts of messy, but if that bed is made you will feel so much better. So that is my first "do", never even leave your bedroom in the morning till you make it:-)

Give Your Man A Smooch

A Goal for today is to show some love to your one and only. Next time you see your significant other, give them a big hug and kiss and tell them how much you love them!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

And there's more...........

We're not just a pretty face who can cook..........We actually have good tips too................wait and see!!!