Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ripen your fruit/vegis

When you need those peaches, or oranges, or banana's to ripen faster, just put them in a Brown paper bag, this really works!!!

Bread and Hard Brown Sugar

So other other day my hubbs and I were baking together and the brown sugar was rock hard, so he told me to put a slice of bread in it, just on top to soften it........and it really worked, after a few days the sugar was soft again!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not Just for Pizza

My husband was talking to a single dad that came into the pawn shop he works at and for some reason they got on this subject and what a great tip he passed along. Use your pizza cutter for more than just pizza! It is great when your kids want their pancakes cut into tiny pieces-use a pizza cutter! I've used it for so many things: grill cheese sandwiches, french toast, tortillas. Basically anything that you need to cut up for your kids. It's fast and easy!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Am I hot or what?!

Everyday give yourself a compliment and dont be afraid to tell your hubbs just how hot you really are! You will totally act hotter when you tell yourself you are hot, and that my friend is HOT HOT HOT!!!


Yes, it actually can!!! I know many of the summer road trips are behind us, but keep this tip in mind for the when you're on the road this next holiday season. Go to Wal-mart 88 cent aisle/dollar store/Target dollar section/where ever and get some cheap toys for your kids that they've never seen/played with before. Also, get some new snacks that they haven't had in a while or have never had and bring them on your trip. It will save your sanity (and we know how precious that is)!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Love that Satin!

Okay, so we know satin is just so lovely for gettin' in that "mood", but who woulda thought that it will SAVE your life when your prego?! Here's how it works: At night when your belly is so heavy and it's hard to shift and turn over in bed, satin is the key. Go to the store, buy some SATIN sheets and your life was just made at least 100% better. I loved my satin sheets when I was pregers and you could even top it off w/ some satin pj's. You'll feel weightless and get a better night's sleep! ENJOY b/c it is BLISS!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Show the Love

Ok I already know a few chicks have done this, but you all should!
While your hubby is in the shower use a bar of soap to write a message on the mirror. If its not too steamy you can use a DRY ERASE marker, you could also just wake up earlier than him and do this.